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The Rio Linda News

Community Awareness

Aug 10, 2021 12:00AM ● By Concerned Citizen

Sign a Protest Letter Today! 

The Rio Linda/Elverta rural communities are much like towns of old. They have farms, animals, a library, parks, small town attractions, modest homes, people often gathering to support numerous activities & special events. Currently, these are difficult & harsh times for all; as you look around the town you will notice many changes, such as many yards are brown, bushes & tress are dying, no flowers, where’s the beauty? Many changes have occurred compared to other drought seasons. A current local issue is on the rise, as usual every 5 years our district asks for a rate increase! The Rio Linda/Elverta Water District is asking for a huge increase.

The rate change comes under the guise of Senate & Assembly bills such as SB 555, SB 606 and AB 1668 ( Look over and read these bills yourself. SB 606 does not come into effect until 11/1/2023, same for AB 1668. The State Water Resource Board (SWRS) has yet to determine our outdoor usage by climate and lot sizes. It is not expected that SWRS comes into effect until 6/2022 (this date was changed recently).

SB 606, Sec. 6. 10608.20 was amended (F) Avoid placing undo Hardship on communities that have implemented conservation measures…. (Accomplished under prior Water District Management, we’re under ne management, 2 years now). Sec. 8. Sec. 10609.20 (a) urban water objective use no later than 11/1/23 (b); (c) (1) Aggregate estimated (est) efficient indoor residential (2) Aggregate (est) efficient outdoor residential (3) … outdoor irrigation …

Sign a Protest Letter Today! On 8/16/21, 6:30 pm, Water District, meeting @ RL/EL Rec. & Park Community Center, 810 Oak Lane. Thanks to the “Water Lady” for taking the reins! Our seniors, farmers, gardens (aka. Vegetable/fruits), as well as many families are going to be affected by rate increases. Were we go one we go all!